Move To with Navmesh
Moves an object in a space delimited by Navigation Mesh.
Navigation Mesh is an object that’s invisible in-game - it defines where AI can walk and what’s off-limit.
To define an object as a Navigation Mesh, go to the Physics properties area of the object and select in Game Physics the object as being Navigation Mesh.
- Condition
The condition for this node to start.
- Moving Object
Object that will be moved.
- Rotating Object
Object that will rotate when the direction changes.
- Navmesh Object
Object that will limit the movement area.
- Destination
Final destination of the object. It can be a value using coordinates or location of another object.
- Move as Dynamic
Dynamic objects give and receive collisions, so other objects can dynamically affect the trajectory of the Moving Object.
- Lin Speed
Linear speed of the object, basically the travelling speed.
- Reach Threshold
Distance to the target it needs to count as arrived.
- Look At
If selected, the front of the object will observe the direction of displacement.
- Rot Axis
When the object makes a change of direction, which axis will rotate.
- Front
Which axis is the front of the object.
- Rot Speed
Speed at which the object will move sideways when making a change of direction.
- Visualize
View the displacement path with a red line during gameplay.
- Done
True if the node performed successfully, else False.
- When Reached
- Next Point