Move To with Navmesh Node

Move To with Navmesh

Moves an object in a space delimited by Navigation Mesh.

Navigation Mesh is an object that’s invisible in-game - it defines where AI can walk and what’s off-limit.

To define an object as a Navigation Mesh, go to the Physics properties area of the object and select in Game Physics the object as being Navigation Mesh.



The condition for this node to start.

Moving Object

Object that will be moved.

Rotating Object

Object that will rotate when the direction changes.

Navmesh Object

Object that will limit the movement area.


Final destination of the object. It can be a value using coordinates or location of another object.

Move as Dynamic

Dynamic objects give and receive collisions, so other objects can dynamically affect the trajectory of the Moving Object.

Lin Speed

Linear speed of the object, basically the travelling speed.

Reach Threshold

Distance to the target it needs to count as arrived.

Look At

If selected, the front of the object will observe the direction of displacement.

Rot Axis

When the object makes a change of direction, which axis will rotate.


Which axis is the front of the object.

Rot Speed

Speed at which the object will move sideways when making a change of direction.


View the displacement path with a red line during gameplay.



True if the node performed successfully, else False.

When Reached


Next Point
