Game Actuator

See also

See the Python reference of this logic brick in KX_GameActuator.

The Game Actuator handles the entire game and this way allows the user to perform game-specific functions, such as restart, quit, and load.


Game actuator.


Load bge.logic.globalDict

Load bge.logic.globalDict from .bgeconf.

Save bge.logic.globalDict

Save bge.logic.globalDict to .bgeconf.

Quit Game

Once the actuator is activated, the blenderplayer exits the runtime.

Restart Game

Once the actuator is activated, the blenderplayer restarts the game (reloads from file).

Start Game From File

Once the actuator is activated, the blenderplayer starts the blend-file from the path specified.


Path to the blend-file to load.


If you use the keyboard sensor as a hook for Esc, in the event that the quit game actuator fails, such as an error in a Python file, the game will be unable to close. Data may be recovered from quit.blend File ‣ Recover Last Session
