base class — SCA_IActuator
- class KX_ObjectActuator(SCA_IActuator)¶
The object actuator (“Motion Actuator”) applies force, torque, displacement, angular displacement, velocity, or angular velocity to an object. Servo control allows to regulate force to achieve a certain speed target.
- useLocalForce¶
A flag specifying if the force is local.
- Type
- useLocalTorque¶
A flag specifying if the torque is local.
- Type
- useLocalDLoc¶
A flag specifying if the dLoc is local.
- Type
- dRot¶
The angular displacement vector applied by the actuator
- Type
Vector((x, y, z))
Since the displacement is applied every frame, you must adjust the displacement based on the frame rate, or you game experience will depend on the player’s computer speed.
- useLocalDRot¶
A flag specifying if the dRot is local.
- Type
- useLocalLinV¶
A flag specifying if the linear velocity is local.
- Type
This is the target speed for servo controllers.
- useLocalAngV¶
A flag specifying if the angular velocity is local.
- Type
- damping¶
The damping parameter of the servo controller.
- Type
- forceLimitX¶
The min/max force limit along the X axis and activates or deactivates the limits in the servo controller.
- Type
list [min(float), max(float), bool]
- forceLimitY¶
The min/max force limit along the Y axis and activates or deactivates the limits in the servo controller.
- Type
list [min(float), max(float), bool]
- forceLimitZ¶
The min/max force limit along the Z axis and activates or deactivates the limits in the servo controller.
- Type
list [min(float), max(float), bool]
- pid¶
The PID coefficients of the servo controller.
- Type
list of floats [proportional, integral, derivate]
- reference¶
The object that is used as reference to compute the velocity for the servo controller.
- Type
or None