Pose Operators


Apply the current pose as the new rest pose


selected (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Only, Only apply the selected bones (with propagation to children)


Automatically renames the selected bones according to which side of the target axis they fall on


axis (enum in ['XAXIS', 'YAXIS', 'ZAXIS'], (optional)) –

Axis, Axis to tag names with

  • XAXIS X-Axis – Left/Right.

  • YAXIS Y-Axis – Front/Back.

  • ZAXIS Z-Axis – Top/Bottom.

bpy.ops.pose.blend_to_neighbor(factor=0.5, prev_frame=0, next_frame=0, channels='ALL', axis_lock='FREE')

Blend from current position to previous or next keyframe

  • factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Factor, Weighting factor for which keyframe is favored more

  • prev_frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Previous Keyframe, Frame number of keyframe immediately before the current frame

  • next_frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Next Keyframe, Frame number of keyframe immediately after the current frame

  • channels (enum in ['ALL', 'LOC', 'ROT', 'SIZE', 'BBONE', 'CUSTOM'], (optional)) –

    Channels, Set of properties that are affected

    • ALL All Properties – All properties, including transforms, bendy bone shape, and custom properties.

    • LOC Location – Location only.

    • ROT Rotation – Rotation only.

    • SIZE Scale – Scale only.

    • BBONE Bendy Bone – Bendy Bone shape properties.

    • CUSTOM Custom Properties – Custom properties.

  • axis_lock (enum in ['FREE', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'], (optional)) –

    Axis Lock, Transform axis to restrict effects to

    • FREE Free – All axes are affected.

    • X X – Only X-axis transforms are affected.

    • Y Y – Only Y-axis transforms are affected.

    • Z Z – Only Z-axis transforms are affected.

bpy.ops.pose.blend_with_rest(factor=0.5, prev_frame=0, next_frame=0, channels='ALL', axis_lock='FREE')

Make the current pose more similar to, or further away from, the rest pose

  • factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Factor, Weighting factor for which keyframe is favored more

  • prev_frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Previous Keyframe, Frame number of keyframe immediately before the current frame

  • next_frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Next Keyframe, Frame number of keyframe immediately after the current frame

  • channels (enum in ['ALL', 'LOC', 'ROT', 'SIZE', 'BBONE', 'CUSTOM'], (optional)) –

    Channels, Set of properties that are affected

    • ALL All Properties – All properties, including transforms, bendy bone shape, and custom properties.

    • LOC Location – Location only.

    • ROT Rotation – Rotation only.

    • SIZE Scale – Scale only.

    • BBONE Bendy Bone – Bendy Bone shape properties.

    • CUSTOM Custom Properties – Custom properties.

  • axis_lock (enum in ['FREE', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'], (optional)) –

    Axis Lock, Transform axis to restrict effects to

    • FREE Free – All axes are affected.

    • X X – Only X-axis transforms are affected.

    • Y Y – Only Y-axis transforms are affected.

    • Z Z – Only Z-axis transforms are affected.

bpy.ops.pose.bone_layers(layers=(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))

Change the layers that the selected bones belong to


layers (boolean array of 32 items, (optional)) – Layer, Armature layers that bone belongs to

bpy.ops.pose.breakdown(factor=0.5, prev_frame=0, next_frame=0, channels='ALL', axis_lock='FREE')

Create a suitable breakdown pose on the current frame

  • factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Factor, Weighting factor for which keyframe is favored more

  • prev_frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Previous Keyframe, Frame number of keyframe immediately before the current frame

  • next_frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Next Keyframe, Frame number of keyframe immediately after the current frame

  • channels (enum in ['ALL', 'LOC', 'ROT', 'SIZE', 'BBONE', 'CUSTOM'], (optional)) –

    Channels, Set of properties that are affected

    • ALL All Properties – All properties, including transforms, bendy bone shape, and custom properties.

    • LOC Location – Location only.

    • ROT Rotation – Rotation only.

    • SIZE Scale – Scale only.

    • BBONE Bendy Bone – Bendy Bone shape properties.

    • CUSTOM Custom Properties – Custom properties.

  • axis_lock (enum in ['FREE', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'], (optional)) –

    Axis Lock, Transform axis to restrict effects to

    • FREE Free – All axes are affected.

    • X X – Only X-axis transforms are affected.

    • Y Y – Only Y-axis transforms are affected.

    • Z Z – Only Z-axis transforms are affected.


Add a constraint to the active bone


type (enum in Constraint Type Items, (optional)) – Type


Add a constraint to the active bone, with target (where applicable) set to the selected Objects/Bones


type (enum in Constraint Type Items, (optional)) – Type


Clear all constraints from the selected bones


Copy constraints to other selected bones


Copy the current pose of the selected bones to the internal clipboard


Flips (and corrects) the axis suffixes of the names of selected bones


do_strip_numbers (boolean, (optional)) – Strip Numbers, Try to remove right-most dot-number from flipped names.Warning: May result in incoherent naming in some cases


Add a new bone group


Add selected bones to the chosen bone group


type (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Bone Group Index


Deselect bones of active Bone Group


Change position of active Bone Group in list of Bone Groups


direction (enum in ['UP', 'DOWN'], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to move the active Bone Group towards


Remove the active bone group


Select bones in active Bone Group


Sort Bone Groups by their names in ascending order


Remove selected bones from all bone groups


Tag selected bones to not be visible in Pose Mode


unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected


Add IK Constraint to the active Bone


with_targets (boolean, (optional)) – With Targets, Assign IK Constraint with targets derived from the select bones/objects


Remove all IK Constraints from selected bones


Reset locations of selected bones to their default values

bpy.ops.pose.paste(flipped=False, selected_mask=False)

Paste the stored pose on to the current pose

  • flipped (boolean, (optional)) – Flipped on X-Axis, Paste the stored pose flipped on to current pose

  • selected_mask (boolean, (optional)) – On Selected Only, Only paste the stored pose on to selected bones in the current pose

bpy.ops.pose.paths_calculate(display_type='RANGE', range='SCENE', bake_location='HEADS')

Calculate paths for the selected bones


Undocumented, consider contributing.


only_selected (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected, Only clear motion paths of selected bones


Update frame range for motion paths from the Scene’s current frame range


Recalculate paths for bones that already have them

bpy.ops.pose.propagate(mode='NEXT_KEY', end_frame=250.0)

Copy selected aspects of the current pose to subsequent poses already keyframed

  • mode (enum in ['NEXT_KEY', 'LAST_KEY', 'BEFORE_FRAME', 'BEFORE_END', 'SELECTED_KEYS', 'SELECTED_MARKERS'], (optional)) –

    Terminate Mode, Method used to determine when to stop propagating pose to keyframes

    • NEXT_KEY To Next Keyframe – Propagate pose to first keyframe following the current frame only.

    • LAST_KEY To Last Keyframe – Propagate pose to the last keyframe only (i.e. making action cyclic).

    • BEFORE_FRAME Before Frame – Propagate pose to all keyframes between current frame and ‘Frame’ property.

    • BEFORE_END Before Last Keyframe – Propagate pose to all keyframes from current frame until no more are found.

    • SELECTED_KEYS On Selected Keyframes – Propagate pose to all selected keyframes.

    • SELECTED_MARKERS On Selected Markers – Propagate pose to all keyframes occurring on frames with Scene Markers after the current frame.

  • end_frame (float in [1.17549e-38, inf], (optional)) – End Frame, Frame to stop propagating frames to (for ‘Before Frame’ mode)

bpy.ops.pose.push(factor=0.5, prev_frame=0, next_frame=0, channels='ALL', axis_lock='FREE')

Exaggerate the current pose in regards to the breakdown pose

  • factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Factor, Weighting factor for which keyframe is favored more

  • prev_frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Previous Keyframe, Frame number of keyframe immediately before the current frame

  • next_frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Next Keyframe, Frame number of keyframe immediately after the current frame

  • channels (enum in ['ALL', 'LOC', 'ROT', 'SIZE', 'BBONE', 'CUSTOM'], (optional)) –

    Channels, Set of properties that are affected

    • ALL All Properties – All properties, including transforms, bendy bone shape, and custom properties.

    • LOC Location – Location only.

    • ROT Rotation – Rotation only.

    • SIZE Scale – Scale only.

    • BBONE Bendy Bone – Bendy Bone shape properties.

    • CUSTOM Custom Properties – Custom properties.

  • axis_lock (enum in ['FREE', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'], (optional)) –

    Axis Lock, Transform axis to restrict effects to

    • FREE Free – All axes are affected.

    • X X – Only X-axis transforms are affected.

    • Y Y – Only Y-axis transforms are affected.

    • Z Z – Only Z-axis transforms are affected.


Flip quaternion values to achieve desired rotations, while maintaining the same orientations

bpy.ops.pose.relax(factor=0.5, prev_frame=0, next_frame=0, channels='ALL', axis_lock='FREE')

Make the current pose more similar to its breakdown pose

  • factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Factor, Weighting factor for which keyframe is favored more

  • prev_frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Previous Keyframe, Frame number of keyframe immediately before the current frame

  • next_frame (int in [-1048574, 1048574], (optional)) – Next Keyframe, Frame number of keyframe immediately after the current frame

  • channels (enum in ['ALL', 'LOC', 'ROT', 'SIZE', 'BBONE', 'CUSTOM'], (optional)) –

    Channels, Set of properties that are affected

    • ALL All Properties – All properties, including transforms, bendy bone shape, and custom properties.

    • LOC Location – Location only.

    • ROT Rotation – Rotation only.

    • SIZE Scale – Scale only.

    • BBONE Bendy Bone – Bendy Bone shape properties.

    • CUSTOM Custom Properties – Custom properties.

  • axis_lock (enum in ['FREE', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'], (optional)) –

    Axis Lock, Transform axis to restrict effects to

    • FREE Free – All axes are affected.

    • X X – Only X-axis transforms are affected.

    • Y Y – Only Y-axis transforms are affected.

    • Z Z – Only Z-axis transforms are affected.


Reveal all bones hidden in Pose Mode


select (boolean, (optional)) – Select


Reset rotations of selected bones to their default values


Set the rotation representation used by selected bones


type (enum in Object Rotation Mode Items, (optional)) – Rotation Mode


Reset scaling of selected bones to their default values


Toggle selection status of all bones


action (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'SELECT', 'DESELECT', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –

Action, Selection action to execute

  • TOGGLE Toggle – Toggle selection for all elements.

  • SELECT Select – Select all elements.

  • DESELECT Deselect – Deselect all elements.

  • INVERT Invert – Invert selection of all elements.


Select bones used as targets for the currently selected bones

bpy.ops.pose.select_grouped(extend=False, type='LAYER')

Select all visible bones grouped by similar properties

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first

  • type (enum in ['LAYER', 'GROUP', 'KEYINGSET'], (optional)) –


    • LAYER Layer – Shared layers.

    • GROUP Group – Shared group.

    • KEYINGSET Keying Set – All bones affected by active Keying Set.

bpy.ops.pose.select_hierarchy(direction='PARENT', extend=False)

Select immediate parent/children of selected bones

  • direction (enum in ['PARENT', 'CHILD'], (optional)) – Direction

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the selection


Select all bones linked by parent/child connections to the current selection


Select bones linked by parent/child connections under the mouse cursor


extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first

bpy.ops.pose.select_mirror(only_active=False, extend=False)

Mirror the bone selection

  • only_active (boolean, (optional)) – Active Only, Only operate on the active bone

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the selection


Select bones that are parents of the currently selected bones


Reset location, rotation, and scaling of selected bones to their default values


Reset pose bone transforms to keyframed state


only_selected (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected, Only visible/selected bones


Apply final constrained position of pose bones to their transform