Ui Operators


Set this property’s current value as the new default

bpy.ops.ui.button_execute(*, skip_depressed=False)

Presses active button


skip_depressed (boolean, (optional)) – Skip Depressed


Unsets the text of the active button


Create a new driver with this property as input, and copy it to the internal clipboard. Use Paste Driver to add it to the target property, or Paste Driver Variables to extend an existing driver

bpy.ops.ui.copy_data_path_button(*, full_path=False)

Copy the RNA data path for this property to the clipboard


full_path (boolean, (optional)) – full_path, Copy full data path

bpy.ops.ui.copy_driver_to_selected_button(*, all=False)

Copy the property’s driver from the active item to the same property of all selected items, if the same property exists


all (boolean, (optional)) – All, Copy to selected the drivers of all elements of the array


Copy the Python command matching this button

bpy.ops.ui.copy_to_selected_button(*, all=True)

Copy the property’s value from the active item to the same property of all selected items if the same property exists


all (boolean, (optional)) – All, Copy to selected all elements of the array

bpy.ops.ui.drop_color(*, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gamma=False, has_alpha=False)

Drop colors to buttons

  • color (float array of 4 items in [0, inf], (optional)) – Color, Source color

  • gamma (boolean, (optional)) – Gamma Corrected, The source color is gamma corrected

  • has_alpha (boolean, (optional)) – Has Alpha, The source color contains an Alpha component

bpy.ops.ui.drop_material(*, session_uid=0)

Drag material to Material slots in Properties


session_uid (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Session UID, Session UID of the data-block to use by the operator

bpy.ops.ui.drop_name(*, string='')

Drop name to button


string (string, (optional, never None)) – String, The string value to drop into the button


Edit UI source code of the active button


Sample a bone from the 3D View or the Outliner to store in a property

bpy.ops.ui.eyedropper_color(*, prop_data_path='')

Sample a color from the Blender window to store in a property


prop_data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Data Path, Path of property to be set with the depth


Sample a color band


Point-sample a color band

bpy.ops.ui.eyedropper_depth(*, prop_data_path='')

Sample depth from the 3D view


prop_data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Data Path, Path of property to be set with the depth

bpy.ops.ui.eyedropper_driver(*, mapping_type='SINGLE_MANY')

Pick a property to use as a driver target


mapping_type (enum in ['SINGLE_MANY', 'DIRECT', 'MATCH', 'NONE_ALL', 'NONE_SINGLE'], (optional)) –

Mapping Type, Method used to match target and driven properties

  • SINGLE_MANY All from Target – Drive all components of this property using the target picked.

  • DIRECT Single from Target – Drive this component of this property using the target picked.

  • MATCH Match Indices – Create drivers for each pair of corresponding elements.

  • NONE_ALL Manually Create Later – Create drivers for all properties without assigning any targets yet.

  • NONE_SINGLE Manually Create Later (Single) – Create driver for this property only and without assigning any targets yet.

bpy.ops.ui.eyedropper_grease_pencil_color(*, mode='MATERIAL', material_mode='STROKE')

Sample a color from the Blender Window and create Grease Pencil material

  • mode (enum in ['MATERIAL', 'PALETTE', 'BRUSH'], (optional)) – Mode

  • material_mode (enum in ['STROKE', 'FILL', 'BOTH'], (optional)) – Material Mode


Sample a data-block from the 3D View to store in a property


Switch to the target object or bone


Start entering filter text for the list in focus


Delete the selected local override and relink its usages to the linked data-block if possible, else reset it and mark it as non editable


Create a local override of the selected linked data-block, and its hierarchy of dependencies


Reset the selected local override to its linked reference values

bpy.ops.ui.override_remove_button(*, all=True)

Remove an override operation


all (boolean, (optional)) – All, Reset to default values all elements of the array

bpy.ops.ui.override_type_set_button(*, all=True, type='REPLACE')

Create an override operation, or set the type of an existing one

  • all (boolean, (optional)) – All, Reset to default values all elements of the array

  • type (enum in ['NOOP', 'REPLACE', 'DIFFERENCE', 'FACTOR'], (optional)) –

    Type, Type of override operation

    • NOOP NoOp – ‘No-Operation’, place holder preventing automatic override to ever affect the property.

    • REPLACE Replace – Completely replace value from linked data by local one.

    • DIFFERENCE Difference – Store difference to linked data value.

    • FACTOR Factor – Store factor to linked data value (useful e.g. for scale).


Force a full reload of UI translation

bpy.ops.ui.reset_default_button(*, all=True)

Reset this property’s value to its default value


all (boolean, (optional)) – All, Reset to default values all elements of the array


Clear the property and use default or generated value in operators


Drag and drop onto a data-set or item within the data-set


Rename the active item in the data-set view


Undocumented, consider contributing.


Start entering filter text for the data-set in focus