base class — bpy_struct
- class bpy.types.PoseBone(bpy_struct)¶
Channel defining pose data for a bone in a Pose
- bbone_curveinx¶
X-axis handle offset for start of the B-Bone’s curve, adjusts curvature
- Type:
float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0
- bbone_curveinz¶
Z-axis handle offset for start of the B-Bone’s curve, adjusts curvature
- Type:
float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0
- bbone_curveoutx¶
X-axis handle offset for end of the B-Bone’s curve, adjusts curvature
- Type:
float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0
- bbone_curveoutz¶
Z-axis handle offset for end of the B-Bone’s curve, adjusts curvature
- Type:
float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0
- bbone_custom_handle_end¶
Bone that serves as the end handle for the B-Bone curve
- Type:
, (readonly)
- bbone_custom_handle_start¶
Bone that serves as the start handle for the B-Bone curve
- Type:
, (readonly)
- bbone_easein¶
Length of first Bézier Handle (for B-Bones only)
- Type:
float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0
- bbone_easeout¶
Length of second Bézier Handle (for B-Bones only)
- Type:
float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0
- bbone_rollin¶
Roll offset for the start of the B-Bone, adjusts twist
- Type:
float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0
- bbone_rollout¶
Roll offset for the end of the B-Bone, adjusts twist
- Type:
float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0
- bbone_scalein¶
Scale factors for the start of the B-Bone, adjusts thickness (for tapering effects)
- Type:
of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- bbone_scaleout¶
Scale factors for the end of the B-Bone, adjusts thickness (for tapering effects)
- Type:
of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- constraints¶
Constraints that act on this pose channel
- Type:
, (readonly)
- custom_shape_rotation_euler¶
Adjust the rotation of the custom shape
- Type:
rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- custom_shape_scale_xyz¶
Adjust the size of the custom shape
- Type:
of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- custom_shape_translation¶
Adjust the location of the custom shape
- Type:
of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- custom_shape_wire_width¶
Adjust the line thickness of custom shapes
- Type:
float in [1, 16], default 0.0
- head¶
Location of head of the channel’s bone
- Type:
of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (readonly)
- ik_linear_weight¶
Weight of scale constraint for IK
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- ik_max_x¶
Maximum angles for IK Limit
- Type:
float in [0, 3.14159], default 0.0
- ik_max_y¶
Maximum angles for IK Limit
- Type:
float in [0, 3.14159], default 0.0
- ik_max_z¶
Maximum angles for IK Limit
- Type:
float in [0, 3.14159], default 0.0
- ik_min_x¶
Minimum angles for IK Limit
- Type:
float in [-3.14159, 0], default 0.0
- ik_min_y¶
Minimum angles for IK Limit
- Type:
float in [-3.14159, 0], default 0.0
- ik_min_z¶
Minimum angles for IK Limit
- Type:
float in [-3.14159, 0], default 0.0
- ik_rotation_weight¶
Weight of rotation constraint for IK
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- ik_stiffness_x¶
IK stiffness around the X axis
- Type:
float in [0, 0.99], default 0.0
- ik_stiffness_y¶
IK stiffness around the Y axis
- Type:
float in [0, 0.99], default 0.0
- ik_stiffness_z¶
IK stiffness around the Z axis
- Type:
float in [0, 0.99], default 0.0
- ik_stretch¶
Allow scaling of the bone for IK
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.0
- is_in_ik_chain¶
Is part of an IK chain
- Type:
boolean, default False, (readonly)
- length¶
Length of the bone
- Type:
float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0, (readonly)
- location¶
- Type:
of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- lock_ik_x¶
Disallow movement around the X axis
- Type:
boolean, default False
- lock_ik_y¶
Disallow movement around the Y axis
- Type:
boolean, default False
- lock_ik_z¶
Disallow movement around the Z axis
- Type:
boolean, default False
- lock_location¶
Lock editing of location when transforming
- Type:
boolean array of 3 items, default (False, False, False)
- lock_rotation¶
Lock editing of rotation when transforming
- Type:
boolean array of 3 items, default (False, False, False)
- lock_rotation_w¶
Lock editing of ‘angle’ component of four-component rotations when transforming
- Type:
boolean, default False
- lock_rotations_4d¶
Lock editing of four component rotations by components (instead of as Eulers)
- Type:
boolean, default False
- lock_scale¶
Lock editing of scale when transforming
- Type:
boolean array of 3 items, default (False, False, False)
- matrix¶
Final 4×4 matrix after constraints and drivers are applied, in the armature object space
- Type:
of 4 * 4 items in [-inf, inf], default ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
- matrix_basis¶
Alternative access to location/scale/rotation relative to the parent and own rest bone
- Type:
of 4 * 4 items in [-inf, inf], default ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
- matrix_channel¶
4×4 matrix of the bone’s location/rotation/scale channels (including animation and drivers) and the effect of bone constraints
- Type:
of 4 * 4 items in [-inf, inf], default ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), (readonly)
- motion_path¶
Motion Path for this element
- Type:
, (readonly)
- name¶
- Type:
string, default “”, (never None)
- rotation_axis_angle¶
Angle of Rotation for Axis-Angle rotation representation
- Type:
float array of 4 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
- rotation_euler¶
Rotation in Eulers
- Type:
rotation of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- rotation_mode¶
- Type:
enum in Object Rotation Mode Items, default ‘QUATERNION’
- rotation_quaternion¶
Rotation in Quaternions
- Type:
rotation of 4 items in [-inf, inf], default (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- scale¶
- Type:
of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- tail¶
Location of tail of the channel’s bone
- Type:
of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (readonly)
- use_custom_shape_bone_size¶
Scale the custom object by the bone length
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_ik_limit_x¶
Limit movement around the X axis
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_ik_limit_y¶
Limit movement around the Y axis
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_ik_limit_z¶
Limit movement around the Z axis
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_ik_linear_control¶
Apply channel size as IK constraint if stretching is enabled
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_ik_rotation_control¶
Apply channel rotation as IK constraint
- Type:
boolean, default False
- basename¶
The name of this bone before any ‘.’ character
- center¶
The midpoint between the head and the tail.
- children¶
- children_recursive¶
A list of all children from this bone.
- children_recursive_basename¶
Returns a chain of children with the same base name as this bone. Only direct chains are supported, forks caused by multiple children with matching base names will terminate the function and not be returned.
- parent_recursive¶
A list of parents, starting with the immediate parent
- vector¶
The direction this bone is pointing. Utility function for (tail - head)
- x_axis¶
Vector pointing down the x-axis of the bone.
- y_axis¶
Vector pointing down the y-axis of the bone.
- z_axis¶
Vector pointing down the z-axis of the bone.
- evaluate_envelope(point)¶
Calculate bone envelope at given point
- Parameters:
point (
of 3 items in [-inf, inf]) – Point, Position in 3d space to evaluate- Returns:
Factor, Envelope factor
- Return type:
float in [-inf, inf]
- bbone_segment_index(point)¶
Retrieve the index and blend factor of the B-Bone segments based on vertex position
- Parameters:
point (
of 3 items in [-inf, inf]) – Point, Vertex position in armature pose space- Returns:
index, The index of the first segment joint affecting the point, int in [-inf, inf]
blend_next, The blend factor between the given and the following joint, float in [-inf, inf]
- Return type:
(int in [-inf, inf], float in [-inf, inf])
- bbone_segment_matrix(index, *, rest=False)¶
Retrieve the matrix of the joint between B-Bone segments if available
- Parameters:
index (int in [0, inf]) – Index of the segment endpoint
rest (boolean, (optional)) – Return the rest pose matrix
- Returns:
The resulting matrix in bone local space
- Return type:
of 4 * 4 items in [-inf, inf]
This example shows how to use B-Bone segment matrices to emulate deformation produced by the Armature modifier or constraint when assigned to the given bone (without Preserve Volume). The coordinates are processed in armature Pose space:
def bbone_deform_matrix(pose_bone, point): index, blend_next = pose_bone.bbone_segment_index(point) rest1 = pose_bone.bbone_segment_matrix(index, rest=True) pose1 = pose_bone.bbone_segment_matrix(index, rest=False) deform1 = pose1 @ rest1.inverted() # bbone_segment_index ensures that index + 1 is always valid rest2 = pose_bone.bbone_segment_matrix(index + 1, rest=True) pose2 = pose_bone.bbone_segment_matrix(index + 1, rest=False) deform2 = pose2 @ rest2.inverted() deform = deform1 * (1 - blend_next) + deform2 * blend_next return pose_bone.matrix @ deform @ pose_bone.bone.matrix_local.inverted() # Armature modifier deforming vertices: mesh = bpy.data.objects["Mesh"] pose_bone = bpy.data.objects["Armature"].pose.bones["Bone"] for vertex in mesh.data.vertices: vertex.co = bbone_deform_matrix(pose_bone, vertex.co) @ vertex.co # Armature constraint modifying an object transform: empty = bpy.data.objects["Empty"] matrix = empty.matrix_world empty.matrix_world = bbone_deform_matrix(pose_bone, matrix.translation) @ matrix
- compute_bbone_handles(*, rest=False, ease=False, offsets=False)¶
Retrieve the vectors and rolls coming from B-Bone custom handles
- Parameters:
rest (boolean, (optional)) – Return the rest pose state
ease (boolean, (optional)) – Apply scale from ease values
offsets (boolean, (optional)) – Apply roll and curve offsets from bone properties
- Returns:
handle1, The direction vector of the start handle in bone local space,
of 3 items in [-inf, inf]roll1, Roll of the start handle, float in [-inf, inf]
handle2, The direction vector of the end handle in bone local space,
of 3 items in [-inf, inf]roll2, Roll of the end handle, float in [-inf, inf]
- Return type:
of 3 items in [-inf, inf], float in [-inf, inf],mathutils.Vector
of 3 items in [-inf, inf], float in [-inf, inf])
- parent_index(parent_test)¶
The same as ‘bone in other_bone.parent_recursive’ but saved generating a list.
- translate(vec)¶
Utility function to add vec to the head and tail of this bone
- classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass(id, default=None)¶
- Parameters:
id (str) – The RNA type identifier.
- Returns:
The RNA type or default when not found.
- Return type:
- classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass_py(id, default=None)¶
- Parameters:
id (str) – The RNA type identifier.
- Returns:
The class or default when not found.
- Return type: