base class — bpy_struct
- class bpy.types.SceneEEVEE(bpy_struct)¶
Scene display settings for 3D viewport
- bokeh_max_size¶
Max size of the bokeh shape for the depth of field (lower is faster)
- Type:
float in [0, 2000], default 100.0
- bokeh_neighbor_max¶
Maximum brightness to consider when rejecting bokeh sprites based on neighborhood (lower is faster)
- Type:
float in [0, 100000], default 10.0
- bokeh_overblur¶
Apply blur to each jittered sample to reduce under-sampling artifacts
- Type:
float in [0, 100], default 5.0
- bokeh_threshold¶
Brightness threshold for using sprite base depth of field
- Type:
float in [0, 100000], default 1.0
- clamp_surface_direct¶
If non-zero, the maximum value for lights contribution on a surface. Higher values will be scaled down to avoid too much noise and slow convergence at the cost of accuracy. Used by light objects.
- Type:
float in [0, inf], default 0.0
- clamp_surface_indirect¶
If non-zero, the maximum value for indirect lighting on surface. Higher values will be scaled down to avoid too much noise and slow convergence at the cost of accuracy. Used by ray-tracing and light-probes.
- Type:
float in [0, inf], default 10.0
- clamp_volume_direct¶
If non-zero, the maximum value for lights contribution in volumes. Higher values will be scaled down to avoid too much noise and slow convergence at the cost of accuracy. Used by light objects.
- Type:
float in [0, inf], default 0.0
- clamp_volume_indirect¶
If non-zero, the maximum value for indirect lighting in volumes. Higher values will be scaled down to avoid too much noise and slow convergence at the cost of accuracy. Used by light-probes.
- Type:
float in [0, inf], default 0.0
- fast_gi_bias¶
Bias the shading normal to reduce self intersection artifacts
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.05
- fast_gi_distance¶
If non-zero, the maximum distance at which other surfaces will contribute to the fast GI approximation
- Type:
float in [0, 100000], default 0.0
- fast_gi_method¶
Fast GI approximation method
Ambient Occlusion – Use ambient occlusion instead of full global illumination.GLOBAL_ILLUMINATION
Global Illumination – Compute global illumination taking into account light bouncing off surrounding objects.
- Type:
- fast_gi_quality¶
Precision of the fast GI ray marching
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.25
- fast_gi_ray_count¶
Amount of GI ray to trace for each pixel
- Type:
int in [1, 16], default 2
- fast_gi_resolution¶
Control the quality of the fast GI lighting. Higher resolution uses more memory.
1:1 – Full resolution.2
1:2 – Render this effect at 50% render resolution.4
1:4 – Render this effect at 25% render resolution.8
1:8 – Render this effect at 12.5% render resolution.16
1:16 – Render this effect at 6.25% render resolution.
- Type:
enum in [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘4’, ‘8’, ‘16’], default ‘2’
- fast_gi_step_count¶
Amount of screen sample per GI ray
- Type:
int in [1, 64], default 8
- fast_gi_thickness_far¶
Angular thickness of the surfaces when computing fast GI and ambient occlusion. Reduces energy loss and missing occlusion of far geometry.
- Type:
float in [0.0174533, 3.14159], default 0.785398
- fast_gi_thickness_near¶
Geometric thickness of the surfaces when computing fast GI and ambient occlusion. Reduces light leaking and missing contact occlusion.
- Type:
float in [0, 100000], default 0.25
- gi_cubemap_resolution¶
Size of every cubemaps
- Type:
enum in [‘128’, ‘256’, ‘512’, ‘1024’, ‘2048’, ‘4096’], default ‘512’
- gi_diffuse_bounces¶
Number of times the light is reinjected inside light grids, 0 disable indirect diffuse light
- Type:
int in [0, inf], default 3
- gi_glossy_clamp¶
Clamp pixel intensity to reduce noise inside glossy reflections from reflection cubemaps (0 to disable)
- Type:
float in [0, inf], default 0.0
- gi_irradiance_pool_size¶
Size of the irradiance pool, a bigger pool size allows for more irradiance grid in the scene but might not fit into GPU memory and decrease performance
- Type:
enum in [‘16’, ‘32’, ‘64’, ‘128’, ‘256’, ‘512’, ‘1024’], default ‘16’
- gi_visibility_resolution¶
Size of the shadow map applied to each irradiance sample
- Type:
enum in [‘8’, ‘16’, ‘32’, ‘64’], default ‘32’
- gtao_distance¶
Distance of object that contribute to the ambient occlusion effect
- Type:
float in [0, 100000], default 0.2
- gtao_quality¶
Precision of the horizon search
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.25
- light_threshold¶
Minimum light intensity for a light to contribute to the lighting
- Type:
float in [0, inf], default 0.01
- motion_blur_depth_scale¶
Lower values will reduce background bleeding onto foreground elements
- Type:
float in [0, inf], default 100.0
- motion_blur_max¶
Maximum blur distance a pixel can spread over
- Type:
int in [0, 2048], default 32
- motion_blur_steps¶
Controls accuracy of motion blur, more steps means longer render time
- Type:
int in [1, inf], default 1
- overscan_size¶
Percentage of render size to add as overscan to the internal render buffers
- Type:
float in [0, 50], default 3.0
- ray_tracing_method¶
Select the tracing method used to find scene-ray intersections
Light Probe – Use light probes to find scene intersection.SCREEN
Screen-Trace – Raytrace against the depth buffer. Fallback to light probes for invalid rays..
- Type:
enum in [‘PROBE’, ‘SCREEN’], default ‘SCREEN’
- ray_tracing_options¶
EEVEE settings for tracing reflections
- Type:
, (readonly, never None)
- shadow_pool_size¶
Size of the shadow pool, a bigger pool size allows for more shadows in the scene but might not fit into GPU memory
- Type:
enum in [‘16’, ‘32’, ‘64’, ‘128’, ‘256’, ‘512’, ‘1024’], default ‘512’
- shadow_ray_count¶
Amount of shadow ray to trace for each light
- Type:
int in [1, 4], default 1
- shadow_resolution_scale¶
Resolution percentage of shadow maps
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 1.0
- shadow_step_count¶
Amount of shadow map sample per shadow ray
- Type:
int in [1, 16], default 6
- taa_render_samples¶
Number of samples per pixel for rendering
- Type:
int in [1, inf], default 64
- taa_samples¶
Number of samples, unlimited if 0
- Type:
int in [0, inf], default 16
- use_bokeh_jittered¶
Jitter camera position to create accurate blurring using render samples (only for final render)
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_fast_gi¶
Use faster global illumination technique for high roughness surfaces
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_gtao¶
Enable ambient occlusion to simulate medium scale indirect shadowing
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_overscan¶
Internally render past the image border to avoid screen-space effects disappearing
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_raytracing¶
Enable the ray-tracing module
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_shadow_jitter_viewport¶
Enable jittered shadows on the viewport. (Jittered shadows are always enabled for final renders).
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_shadows¶
Enable shadow casting from lights
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_taa_reprojection¶
Denoise image using temporal reprojection (can leave some ghosting)
- Type:
boolean, default True
- use_volume_custom_range¶
Enable custom start and end clip distances for volume computation
- Type:
boolean, default False
- use_volumetric_shadows¶
Cast shadows from volumetric materials onto volumetric materials (Very expensive)
- Type:
boolean, default False
- volumetric_end¶
End distance of the volumetric effect
- Type:
float in [1e-06, inf], default 100.0
- volumetric_light_clamp¶
Maximum light contribution, reducing noise
- Type:
float in [0, inf], default 0.0
- volumetric_ray_depth¶
Maximum surface intersection count used by the accurate volume intersection method. Will create artifact if it is exceeded. Higher count increases VRAM usage.
- Type:
int in [1, 16], default 16
- volumetric_sample_distribution¶
Distribute more samples closer to the camera
- Type:
float in [0, 1], default 0.8
- volumetric_samples¶
Number of steps to compute volumetric effects. Higher step count increase VRAM usage and quality.
- Type:
int in [1, 256], default 64
- volumetric_shadow_samples¶
Number of samples to compute volumetric shadowing
- Type:
int in [1, 128], default 16
- volumetric_start¶
Start distance of the volumetric effect
- Type:
float in [1e-06, inf], default 0.1
- volumetric_tile_size¶
Control the quality of the volumetric effects. Higher resolution uses more memory.
1:1 – Full resolution.2
1:2 – Render this effect at 50% render resolution.4
1:4 – Render this effect at 25% render resolution.8
1:8 – Render this effect at 12.5% render resolution.16
1:16 – Render this effect at 6.25% render resolution.
- Type:
enum in [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘4’, ‘8’, ‘16’], default ‘8’
- classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass(id, default=None)¶
- Parameters:
id (str) – The RNA type identifier.
- Returns:
The RNA type or default when not found.
- Return type:
- classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass_py(id, default=None)¶
- Parameters:
id (str) – The RNA type identifier.
- Returns:
The class or default when not found.
- Return type: